Annual Solar Return Report


Astrological yearly forecasts from the annual birthday, a/k/a “Vedic Varshaphala.” Details below.

Birth Information

Date, time and location of birth

Name of the native to whom the report is for

Indicate the biological gender at the time of birth (regardless of sexual orientation/change)

Current Location of Residence *

Indicate your current place of residence (city, state and country) for transit forecasts, if applicable. If same as birth, leave blank or write same as birth.


Astrological forecasts for the next 12 months, starting from your birthday, also called Solar Return Forecast, or Varshaphala¹. The service includes:

  • Complete and detailed Vedic horoscope data.
  • Varga Charts and Dasha Tables (Vimshottari, Yogini, Kalchakra, Ashtottari & Chara).
  • Results of your current Dasha and a Jaimini system report.
  • Varshaphala¹ predictions for the next 12 months from your birthday.
  • Approximately 40 pages!

The final product to be delivered will be a digital file, in PDF format, sent to the buyer’s email within ~5 business days, excluding weekends and American holidays.

Note: If you want to see forecasts for more time period than the service offers, select 2 or more from the buy options and the period quantity will be multiplied by the order quantity. For example, the report includes 1 year of solar return predictions and a quantity of 2 orders will give 2 years, 3 will provide 3 years and so on.

¹ Varshaphala is the annual Vedic Astrology system that makes a progressive annual horoscope for the native. Varshaphala predicts how the native’s year will be from one birthday to the next.

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